Friday 25 February 2011

Can the government move to Open Source?

In my eyes this is a massive article - in times like this when jobs are being cut and taxes are being raised, the Government definitely should be moving to Open Source, but apparently the Procurement process won't allow it...

If the process is restricting the greater good then the process needs to be changed...


Thursday 24 February 2011

The decline of the iPhone...

I was quite surprised about this, but the iPhone has been thrown out of the top five of most popular phones in the UK! The decline of Apple? Hmmmm...

Hey big spender...

Whilst I have no doubt that all the loyal Drupallers out there love what they do, i'm guessing another significant reason for getting up in the morning is the money which can be earned. You wouldn't deal with my kind for free now would you?!? You probably can't put a price on having to deal with 20 calls a day about the same job from people who claim to be working exclusively with the client in question.

The efficiency and popularity of Drupal has caused a bit of a stir and it appears that a new breed of clientele has been drawn to the party, a smug looking bunch with cash literally falling out of their pockets. Ok, perhaps not literally but the financial sector is here, they've pitched their tent and it can only mean good things for me, errrr I mean us!

Market rates are rising and I predict that by the end of this year, there will be a noticeable increase in daily rates and yearly salaries for Drupal Developers. It is a known (and probably quite obvious) fact that the financial sector pays more, for pretty much anything. Even the tea ladies drive Ferraris! So, the same will be true for Drupal Developers. As they pay more, companies in other sectors will need to increase their pay rates as well so as to keep up so it’s mouth watering prospect.

Over the past couple of years, the best payers have been Capita: National Strategies which was certainly good for those who worked there but also bad in the fact it misled contractors to think that 450.00 per day for a mid-weight Drupal Developer was/is market rate! I can sympathise with other recruiters who experienced the disgust and suspicion which was raised from offering ex-Capita contractors a job for 250.00 per day. We weren't ripping you off - that used to be normal! Actually, I wasn't ripping you off, but everybody else was - especially Dean from Hayes!

Anyway, I digress - Whilst Capita rattled the general flow of the market a little, what we're seeing now are more of these higher paying companies looking for Drupal Devs and if this builds up consistently, then the market rates will improve, quite dramatically. So, at the end of the year, if Dean rings you up asking if you fancy a 15 quid an hour job in Bridge End you'll know what to say!

Happy with that? Thought you might be!

Sunday 20 February 2011

Facebook Leaves The Door Open...

I found this article on ZD Net which documents how Facebook have made some crucial changes which basically means that dodgy websites can dress themselves up as Facebook sites! Why they've allowed this I do not know...They're relying on Developers agreeing to a code of conduct to justify the changes, all seems  a bit optimistic to me!

Saturday 19 February 2011

Welcome to my Blog!

Open Source Expert Consultant? Hang on a're a recruiter! You're one of those wide boys who ring me up on a Monday morning and ask me if I fancy taking an 'IT contract" in Huddersfield for 40p an hour...

It's true, I am a recruiter and I have given myself a fancy title to try and differentiate myself from the others which may be out there. I am not a developer and I couldn't code my way out of plastic bag...however, I do have a passion for all things Open Source, an in depth understanding of the market and a constant thirst to learn more about it...What I also have is a different perspective on the industry which a couple of you who read this might begrudgingly find interesting! If you don't, then fine! Tell me what i'm doing wrong! I can take it, i'm a Recruiter, err I mean Open Source Expert Consultant! 

Those who know me know that one of my main areas of business lies in the Drupal market. I discovered Drupal about two years ago and have seen it develop from a very niche area which many mere Recruiters (and dare I say, Developers?) had little knowledge of,  to one of the most in demand. 

All you have to do is pop onto Monster and you'll see numerous adverts on there from desperate agencies begging for any "Druple" or "Droople" Developers to urgently get in touch. Demand is going up as are market rates, so any developers out there who are wondering whether or not it may be worth their while to add Drupal to their it! The launch of Drupal 7 has taken it to new heights and improved on many of the holes the critics said held the previous version back, making it a better piece of kit all round. 

 It has gone from being a cheap (cheaper than cheap, it's free!) alternative to a must use Content Management System and the clientele it attracts has grown even more impressive...unfortunately I can't actually divulge the clientele on here for obvious reasons! Hmmm...actually, maybe I can? My biggest client is Milton Keynes Orphanage for Abandoned Badgers...I can imagine Dean from Hayes IT trying to track down their phone number as I speak! 

As well as general ramblings, I'm going to be posting articles on here which may have caught my interest, in the hope that it may spark a discussion and not a deafening silence...If anybody else see's one that they think might be interesting to put on here, then please don't be shy! 

As a way to kick things off, i'm going to start by asking a question...since this is the first blog i've written, i'll probably be lucky if anybody responds at all, but i'll give it a shot! This is mainly for the Drupal guys out there, but anybody else who is immersed in a technological community might also have an opinion on this...Drupal is well known for its meet ups and social gatherings, so my question is this - does it annoy you when Recruitment Agents turn up to these events? Do you find it invasive? Or is it a welcomed networking opportunity? I have my own opinion on this, but would love to hear what everybody else thinks...

That's all for now, 
Have a good weekend!