Monday 25 April 2011

Is the UK suffering from a Brain Drain?

I came across the following article on Computer Weekly and if it's accurate then it is a very grim realisation for the UK Technology Market.

More definitely needs to be done to ensure that IT staff in the UK are given reason to stick around rather than heading for pastures new.

Sunday 10 April 2011

The danger of a flaky app...

This week somebody brought to my attention an application for LinkedIn called Mixtent. It has a variety of uses but the main point of it is to rate your contacts on their particular skill sets, in the format of matching them against somebody in a similar field. Your profile then display the votes which go in your favour.

This app is almost identical to one on Facebook in which you would choose out of two friends 'who is the better dancer' or 'who is the best looking'. The only difference is that on Mixtent you are asked 'who is the stronger developer' or 'who is the better recruiter'.

What's next for LinkedIn? A top 8 of friends like MySpace? Relationship statuses so you know that if your manager is suddenly 'single' then today may not be the day to ask for that time off?

It panders to the self-gratifying elements of Social Media which we all know and enjoy whether we admit it or not. Those parts which give you cyber massage of your ego...Come on you're secretly glad you've got 1000 friends on Facebook aren't you? Even if you do add people just because you met them once at a party...and you love retweeting when somebody says something positive about you don't you?

LinkedIn is no different, I am very proud of the recommendations which I have on my page from clients and candidates. I like that I have a high amount but what's most important to me and my business is the substance within these recommendations. Somebody has taken the time to personally endorse what I do and have stamped their name on my page like a seal of approveal.  It also helps when I come across a new candidate, if their previous line managers have given them rave reviews then it's going to help me assess their quality.

Substance is the key word here as this is what is lacking in a click of a button, somebody can anonymously decide who is the better recruiter out of myself or Dean @ Hays. They don't have to say why or explain their dealings with each of us, just a quick click of a button and one of us has that vote.

It's a misleading app and it disappoints me that LinkedIn, which is an incredibly useful business platform, is now going to be associated with something which is so flaky.

Rant over...and by the way, this has nothing to do with Dean @ Hays getting more votes than me, I promise!