Sunday 30 October 2011

Drupal Keeps Moving Forward...

As we reach the final stages of 2011, Drupal is continuing to gain prominence as the CMS of choice for all manner of organisations. As well as the smaller, digital media type companies which are looking to bring in full time in-house Drupal Ninjas rather than spending valuable cash on the typically higher paid contractors out there, the juggernauts of business are following the suit of Capgemini and doing what they can to tempt   freelance and contract devs into taking permanent positions.

This might be a little worrying for those contractors out there and also for me since I make most of my modest revenue from contract placements but the demand for good Drupal Devs is such that there's no need for us to panic just yet. Rather, I see this as a positive for all involved. It shows that companies have gone successfully through the honeymoon period with Drupal and are now looking to tie it down as it becomes an integral part of their business.

It means sustainability for Drupal and that this isn't just a boom - even if it is a boom, it means that it is going to go on for that much longer so lets milk that cow till its dry!

There is still a skills shortage with Drupal, which i'm sure any of fellow Drupal Recruiters would begrudgingly concur with me about. So, Drupal Devs out there, spread the word! Get your friends using Drupal, your mum, your nan, anybody! Then tell them to give me a call.

I'll leave it on that note, but to summarise - the future looks good for Drupal.