Saturday 18 June 2011

Whats next?

As a ruthless, scheming and money grabbing recruiter i'm always on the lookout for which technology is going to be the next in demand and i've had a few interesting discussions recently about what this might be. As much as i'd like to say that it was careful research and planning which caused me to develop an expertise (that's right, expertise!) in the Drupal market, there was a heavy element of luck involved.

I had a bit of a hunch, I followed that hunch and that hunch has now led me to become a member of the Drupal community (please let me be a member!) and hopefully a dependable source of interesting contracts, jobs, knowledge and good looks. Ok, average looks. Ok...

I personally think that Drupal stands on its own and I don't know any other Open Source market  like it. However, we're seeing quite a demand at the moment for specialists of MVC Frameworks, nothing new in itself perhaps, but there has been a noticeable surge in demand. Zend in particular stands out as the favoured framework of choice, however what may surprise some is that Symfony seems to be getting cool again and a lot of companies are choosing it to deliver their web based projects. An honourable mention must go out to Code Igniter as well.

What about other Content Management Systems I hear you scream? Well Drupallers, please don't hunt me down and beat me to death with my own shoes, but there has been a lot of talk about Wordpress recently. Formerly seen as only being useful as a blogging tool, i've had a few advocates of Wordpress telling me recently that it is the only CMS they would use simply because it makes things so easy. To Wordpress advocates, Drupal is strongly considered the diva of the Open Source world, due to apparent volatility. Don't shoot the messenger on this one...please let me be a member of the community! I'd be interested to hear the views of people on this one.

In my world at least, Joomla seems to have been laid to rest, flowers have been placed on the coffin and people seem to have already forgotten it even existed. I haven't had a demand for a Joomla Developer for over a year. Of course, I imagine there is some recruitment parallel universe where somebody from Hays (Dean?) is making loads of money in the Joomla market...maybe.

Magento reminds me of when the fruit bowl is filled in the office, I grab a peach, hoping to have a nice juicy bite only to find it's hard and still not ready yet. That's not a reflection of the technology itself, as from what I can understand it is a great piece of e-commerce kit, but the market and demand is just not ready for me to dive in...If I was a betting man though, I would suggest a cheeky wager on the demand for Magento growing over the next few years quite considerably.

As always your views and comments are welcomed and appreciated, as long as they are complimentary of course!

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