Sunday 6 March 2011

The death of the PC (but not the Mac!)

Interesting article here confirming what many predicted the moment Apple announced the launch of their latest missile in their quest for world domination, namely the iPad...

I remain slightly sceptical that the emergence of tablets is going to result in the death of the desktop or the laptop, but it is still a a world and where the consumer wants as many things as possible rolled into the smallest package possible, perhaps the PC is as dead as a video recorder or a tamagotchi (remember those?).

Eventually though, won't there be nothing left? We'll have a mobile phone, a camera,  a web browser, our email, a music player, a television, a helicopter and our girlfriend all rolled into one tiny little box we can attach to our key ring.

Isn't it ironic how consumerism teaches us to need as many things as possible yet the ultimate acquisition is one thing which does everything?

Just a thought...

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