Tuesday 22 March 2011

"The lack of Drupal talent is the number 1 limiting factor in the take-up of Drupal worldwide" - Dries Buytaert, Creator of Drupal

Unfortunately I didn't attend DrupalCon, but someone I know did and he Tweeted this fascinating quote from Dries Buytaert, the creator of Drupal or as I like to call him - The Godfather. I found this quote fascinating mainly because it didn't make sense to me.

Now, before I get attacked by an angry mob of Drupal t-shirts, hear me out. From my point of view and that being the point of view of the person who spends most of his day speaking to clients who have chosen to adopt Drupal for various web-based project, I can say without a doubt that over the past two years the amount of companies taking on Drupal has increased dramatically, as has the diversity of the clientele it attracts.

So, whilst I concur with Dries that Drupal hasn't taken over worldwide just yet, lets cut our favourite CMS a little slack. It's definitely getting there and I still stand by my belief expressed in my previous blog that 2011 is going to be the year that Drupal really hits the next level. I think the landscape will have changed forever by the end of the year.

So how about the bit about Drupal talent? Well this part, i'd probably agree with, whilst the demand for Drupal talent is increasing, there doesn't seem to be a huge influx of new Developers coming through. I'm sure some of my rivals (who are of course less successful and probably far uglier than me) will agree that Drupal Developers are still a  rare breed, despite the vast increase in demand for them.

The danger is that Drupal is such a buzz word these days, that you are getting a lot of people who throw it on their CV despite not having any real expertise with it, so you have to be careful.

So what's the answer to this conundrum? I'd love to hear what people think...

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