Friday 25 March 2011

ING Financial adopts Drupal

Drupal has made another major step in the right direction as ING Financial have adopted Drupal, migrating a number of sites over from Oracle Stellent, as reported by The Godfather himself, Dries Buytaert -

I mentioned a couple of blogs ago how the financial sector was beginning to pick up on Drupal, which can only mean good things for me, errr I mean you! You! Rates will go up to reflect the clientele so happy days for all involved.

1 comment:

  1. Great news for all of us. A strong pattern has been set for Drupal to grow even more this year. Good that the financial sector is making this positive move as well. I'm currently co-building a system which manages financial information from a product fulfilment perspective. It's a long term project which may lead to big things but for now is a good testing ground for all of the new development features boasted by drupal 7. I want to see more Drupal "software as a service" deployments like Drupal Gardens with total device/format transparency. What's interesting is the increased awareness now of Drupal "on the street" although there is some way to go before Drupal has the same awareness as, say, the Ubuntu project.
